Pentland Canoe Club

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Welcome to the Pentland Canoe Club Website

Based in Thurso, on the north coast of Scotland, the Club enjoys some of the best canoeing and kayaking in the world. Caithness and Sutherland offer a fantastic variety of environments for kayaking. We have miles of amazing coastline and islands to explore, world renowned surf, loads of lochs and even a river or two.

2024 was the 40th Anniversary of the Club. Since the Club was established in 1984, hundreds of individuals have been introduced the the sport. Many have become accomplished paddlers. So whether you are new to kayaking and looking for tuition or an experienced paddler looking for paddling companions this area has lots to offer and our website is a great place to find out all about it. A look at our photo galleries will give you a taste of what we get up to and the club has an extensive stock of boats and kit available if you haven't got your own.

I would encourage any interested beginners to attend our winter pool sessions where our qualified coaches who will give you all the necessary skills in the safety and relative warmth of the pool. You can also join in during the summer months when the club runs evening sessions in the sea from Scrabster beach. You can progress through the various Paddlesport awards which will enable you to go on our sea and river outings. And if you're really keen you can do coaching qualifications through the club as well.

The club is very fortunate in its location, since our environment allows us to participate in most forms of recreational paddling:
Some of our members are now learning paddle boarding skills.

This site aims to give a flavour of the club activities along with a range of information that should prove useful to members and visitors alike.  If you need any more information about the club and our activities please  Contact Us.

Are you a past member of the Club? If so why not join our Facebook Group or contact us.

Gary Youngson
Chair, Pentland Canoe Club

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